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One Hundred and Fifty Years

of Masonry



F. & A. M.





 1861 - 2022


 Masonry in Indiana


Masonry in Indiana descended from Virginia by way of Kentucky.  The Grand Lodge of Virginia was founded in 1777. It granted charters to various Lodges in Kentucky, which was then a part of the territory of Virginia.  After the Grand Lodge of Kentucky was organized, in 1880, it issued dispensations for the formation of Lodges in Indiana as follows; Vincennes, Charlestown, Madison, Corydon, Salem, Lawrenceburg, Vevay, and Rising Sun.  The Lodge of Brookville, the only other Lodge in the Territory, received its charter from Ohio.  There were all the Lodges there were in Indiana in 1818.  The first Lodge organized in the Indiana Territory was at Vincennes, which was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, August 31, 1809.

The Territory was admitted to the Union as a State in 1816, and the brethren deemed it advisable to take steps looking to the formation of a Grand Lodge.  Accordingly, a convention of representatives of all the above Indiana Lodges met at Corydon on December 3, 1817 for the purpose of taking the preliminary steps for such organization.

Agreeable to a resolution from this convention, delegates from the same Lodges met in the town of Madison, Indiana, on January 12, 1818 and there consummated the organization of the Grand Lodge of Indiana, electing Alexander Buckner, of Charlestown, as the first Grand Master.

The several Lodges there represented then surrendered their charters and were granted new charters by "The Grand Lodge of Indiana."  On the same day, a special committee made a report, containing twenty-four sections, embracing the main features of the Constitution as it exists today.  The Grand Lodge seal, still in use, was adopted at that time, after being described in complete detail.

And so it came to pass that the Grand Lodge was legally organized in Indiana on the 12th day of January, 1818; and it is somewhat remarkable, owing to the newness of the country at the time, the lack of educational facilities, and the somewhat crude material out of which the organization necessarily had to be constructed, that the foundation was so substantially laid.  Our ancient Indiana brethren builded better than they knew.  No Grand Lodge has existed so long with so little friction, and  has so satisfactorily extricated itself from so many difficult problems, as has the Grand Lodge of Indiana.

Its history is one in which its members may take much pardonable pride, and it stands today with an honorable record of almost two centuries and four hundred and twenty-two Lodges.

Highlights of One Hundred and Fifty Years

Southport Lodge No. 270, F. & A. M.


There are several dates in history which have a special meaning to a number of people in this Lodge, among the first, of course, is July 4, 1776, and then forty years later, December 11, 1816, when Indiana was admitted as the nineteenth state of the union.

Forty-four years after Indiana became a state, Freemasonry had its beginning in Southport, Indiana, in the year 1860.  At that time there was a number of Free and Accepted York Masons living in the village and surrounding country side, who were desirous of forming a Lodge of Mason.  They applied for a dispensation from Alexander C. Downey, who was the Grand Master, and in due time were granted a dispensation. Under the dispensation the following men were appointed to serve as officers; William G. Lockwood, Worshipful Master, Hezekiah Hinston, Senior Warden, and James Gentle, Junior Warden.

The Lodge worked under dispensation until May 28, 1861 when a charter was received from the Grand Lodge of Indiana granting them full rights and privileges of a Lodge of Master Masons.  The charter gave the Lodge the name of Southport Lodge No. 270 of Southport, Indiana.  When chartered the Lodge had a total of fifteen members who were; William C. Lockwood, James Gentle, R. M. Stewart, S. E. Tyler, I. R. McKibbon, Mathias Shepley, Thomas J. Todd, John C. Woods, Hezekiah Hinston, Robert N. Todd, Levi L. Todd, D. W. Snider, William C. Ransdell, Samuel Moore, and J. W. Riley.

The first years of the Lodge were busy ones as have been those that followed.  The records of the Lodge show that at the beginning of our Centennial year of 1961, the Lodge had a membership of 1,373, and fifty years, at the beginning of our Sesquicentennial year of 2011, membership was 702.  Under the able leadership of William C. Lockwood, our first Worshipful Master, Masonry received a very solid foundation in this community and each of the Master and his offerers since that time have been able to advance the respece and esteem of the Lodge held by the people living in the community.

Early meetings of the Lodge were held in a blacksmith shop located on Main Street.  The meetings continued to be held in the blacksmith shop until November 7, 1863 when they were moved to the Lodge's first Lodge Hall, in which it met until July 7, 1900.  They moved to a hall, which had been erected for them, where they met until 1907 when, through some difficulty, they lost their building and moved to a hall on the northeast corner of Union Street and Madison Avenue, which they later purchased in 1921. In 1944, Brother Henry Burkhart donated five acres of ground on South East Street for the erection of a new Temple.  The membership was very enthused and began to make plans for our new home.  Ground was broken on March 26, 1949 and eight months loater, on November 7, 1949, the Lodge held its first stated meeting in the new Temple we now occupy.  Brother Burkhart later donated more ground, increasing the total Lodge property to twenty-one acres.


Past Masters


William G. Lockwood .... 1860, 1861, 1865, 1871, 1874

Robert N. Todd ........... 1862, 1863, 1864, 1872

William Worman ........... 1866, 1876

Hezekiah Hinston ......... 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870

George Tomlinson ........ 1873

Isaac Todd ................. 1875, 1878, 1882

John McLeine .............. 1877

William T. Bailey .......... 1879

Harlon Richardson ........ 1880

Charles R. Warman ....... 1881

George C. Thompson .... 1883, 1884, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1895

Joseph Bailey .............. 1885

James A. Norwood ....... 1886

Cornelous List ............. 1887

C. A. Barnes ............... 1892

William A. Wycoff ........ 1893, 1894

Oliver P. Ward ............ 1896

Hayden Morton ........... 1897

Ralph Hurlbert ............ 1898

J. Sabin Pruitt ............ 1899, 1900

George C. Harness ...... 1901

Frank E. Cline ............ 1902

Emerson G. Moore ...... 1903, 1904

William H. Davis ......... 1905

Theodore W. Colbert .. 1906

Thomas A Gentle ....... 1907

George A. Ross ......... 1908

George Spees ........... 1909

Lou A. Robertson ....... 1910

H. Farr Waggener ...... 1911

Edwin E Thompson ..... 1912

Benjamin M. Morgan .... 1913, 1914

Charles O. Sutton ....... 1915

Leroy Wycoff ............. 1916

John McPherson ......... 1917, 1918

John M. Smart ........... 1919

Oliver W. Pickhart ...... 1920

Stanley E. Moore ....... 1921

Robert McKay ............ 1922

Furman F. Moore ........ 1923

Douglas McClain ......... 1924

Winfield H. Hollister ..... 1925

Charles Kennick .......... 1926

John E. Zintel ............ 1927

Otis O. Burnett .......... 1928

Basil L. Poe ............... 1929

Harry O. Strong ......... 1930

Omer Brewer ............. 1931

Charles F. Bohne ........ 1932

Elmer E. Houze .......... 1933

Otto O. Gustin .......... 1934

William G. Hartman ..... 1935

John A. Whalen ......... 1936

Ralph E. Smith .......... 1937

Charles W. Miller ....... 1938

Howard C. Smith ....... 1939

William H. Bohne ....... 1940

John E. Swords ........ 1941

Leon H. Roquet, Sr ... 1942

Burley L. Parham ...... 1943

William P. Talbert ..... 1944

Carl A. Stone .......... 1945

Francis D. Strong ..... 1946

Walter H. Muir ......... 1947

Frank R. White ........ 1948

William E. Caesar ..... 1949

Walter Weimer ........ 1950

Louis Cato ............. 1951

Russell E. Herr ........ 1952

Manuel S. Green ..... 1953

Francis E. Venis ...... 1954

Dory L. Flake .......... 1955

Walter E. Line ........ 1956

Arthur J. Baumer .... 1957

Glen D. Cones ........ 1958

Ralph E. Monteith ... 1959

James P. Brooking ... 1960

Leo H. Roquet, Jr .... 1961

Paul A. Allen .......... 1962

William T. Norwood .. 1963

Birtle Allen ............. 1964

Dan E. McCoun, Sr .. 1965

Warren G. Black ...... 1966

Raymond H. Russler . 1967

William E. Singleton .. 1968

Lloyd E. Sierp .......... 1969

Thomas J. Jones ...... 1970

Larry Mitchell .......... 1971

Ronald H. West ....... 1972

John E. Emrich ........ 1973

Garry L. Clark ......... 1974

Robert A. Evans ..... 1975

Earl W. Possman .... 1976

Ronald R. Speedy ... 1977

Herbert Clark ......... 1978

Danny J. Self ......... 1979

Kenneth F. Adams ... 1980

W. Hugh Burns, Jr ... 1981

John V. Phillips ....... 1982

H. L. (Pete) Noggle .. 1983

Walter F. Eichholtz ... 1984

Harvey E. Grow, Sr ... 1985

Paul T. Snyder ......... 1986

David D. Bray .......... 1987, 1995

Robert L. Stevenson . 1988

Frederick W. Poad .... 1989

Robert E. Fisher ....... 1990

Milton G. Baas ......... 1991

William J. Smith ....... 1992

Tim J. Hopewell ....... 1993

John W. Friar .......... 1994

C. David Pennington . 1996

James L. Huffman .... 1997

Frank S. Tuttle, Jr ........... 1998

Rick Manifold .................. 1999, 2003

Randal W. Bradley ............ 2000, 2002

Richard S. Blocker ............ 2001, 2008

Eric N. Lawrence .............. 2004

Brian V. Biehn .................. 2005

Kenneth R. Ruckersfeldt ..... 2006

Kevin L. Roberts ............... 2007

T. Michael Brummett ......... 2009

Robert D. Sexton ............. 2010

Daniel W. Gillahan ............ 2011

Eric J. Ruckersfeldt .......... 2012

Paul W. Gartin ................. 2013

Barry D. Maxwell .............. 2014

Paul S. Ney ..................... 2015, 2019

Jarrett B. Hill ................... 2016

Charles E. Bushor, Jr. ........ 2017, 2020

Devin R. Calvert ............... 2018, 2022

Larry L. Lisman ................ 2021

S. Kent Holaday, Jr. .......... 2023

Brian R. Baker .................. 2024